See you at Robocon 2024

The beginning of the year marks another edition of the Robocon conference dedicated to the Robot Framework and organized by the Robot Framework Foundation. Similar to last year, there will be two events. In early February (8-9.02.24), the "live" conference will take place in Helsinki... if visiting Finland then only in winter, of course 😉. And at the end of February, there will be an online conference (28-29.02.24, yes, another leap year).

However, Robocon is not just two days of lectures. Before the conference, live workshops take place, and there's a so-called community day. During the community day, Robot enthusiasts gather to discuss various topics related to this tool: directions for further development, ideas for new libraries, improvements to existing ones, and adding new features to the Robot Framework. Many such discussions have resulted in improvements to the Robot's ecosystem.

Robocon conference

What's different from previous editions is the strong representation of experts from our company who will lead live workshops, tutorials during the community day (both live and online versions), and lectures on the main stage during the online conference. In terms of details, it looks like this:

  1. Live workshops:
  2. Adam Hepner - How to be a Robot Framework Champion: Collaborative Workshop
  3. Łukasz Kurzaj - Next-Gen Pipeline Journey: Elevate your skills with Robot Framework
  4. Tutorials during the community day:
  5. Igor Czyrski - Unlocking the Power of Robot Framework: An Introductory Tutorial
  6. Jerzy Głowacki - Creating a Web Testing Framework from scratch using Robot Framework and Browser Library
  7. Presentation:
  8. Krzysztof Żminkowski - The story of spreading the glory. How we approached community building in Poland

We're keeping our fingers crossed for them. If you'll also be at Robocon 2024 and have any questions about the Robot Framework, feel free to ask any of them—they will surely be happy to help.

Krzysztof Żmikowski

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Mariusz Lewandowski CEO
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Mariusz Lewandowski

