Wrobocon 2023: How Robot Framework is Changing the Test Automation Landscape

A Community Conference on Robot Framework

On 26 October 2023, the second edition of Wrobocon, a community conference on Robot Framework, took place online. The conference was organized by Nice Project sp z o.o., and partnered with Robot Framework Foundation, CapGemini Polska, Testerzy.pl and 3QA. The conference aimed to share knowledge about advanced uses of Robot Framework, and to build and engage the Robot Framework community in Poland. The conference featured six talks by experts and practitioners of Robot Framework, as well as a panel discussion with four speakers. The conference attracted more than 245 attendees from various backgrounds and sectors, who joined the event via RingCentral platform.

What You Missed at Wrobocon 2023: The Main Topics and Sessions

The conference covered a wide range of topics related to Robot Framework and test automation, such as:

  • How to improve the quality and maintainability of test automation code using tools like RoboCop and RoboTidy.
  • How to use pre-commit and pipelines to automate the static checks, dry run mode, unit tests, and smoke tests for test automation code.
  • How to use Sarif and metadata to integrate code analysis tools with git providers and display useful information in test logs.
  • How involvement with the Robot Framework community and can help you personally and professionally.
  • How to contribute to the Robot Framework project and what makes contributions valuable.
  • What are the current and future challenges and opportunities for Robot Framework.
  • How to use given-when-then as a documentation pattern for different types of test cases, such as textual, visual, or unit tests.
  • What are the rules for designing good test cases that are informative, comprehensive, easy to maintain, and easy to understand.
  • How to test desktop applications using Ranorex, Robot Framework and pipelines.
  • How to use cloud native pipeline with AWS services and tools to automate the entire process of testing, upgrading, and debugging applications.

These topics demonstrated the versatility and power of Robot Framework and how it can be used to solve various testing problems and scenarios. The speakers shared their experiences, tips, and tricks on how to use various tools and techniques to improve the test automation process and outcomes. The attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the speakers.


What They Said at Wrobocon 2023: The Quotes and Testimonials

The conference was not only informative and educational, but also fun and lively. Here are some of the quotes and testimonials from the speakers and attendees that capture the spirit and atmosphere of the conference:

  • “The materials are valuable, and everyone will find something of interest there.”.
  • “I think attending this event was time well spent”.
  • “The community was more lively, it was very nice that we managed to have the forces of other market specialists”
  • “Great speakers, enthusiastic presentations, interesting topics.”

What’s Next for Wrobocon 2023: The Recordings and Resources

If you missed the conference or want to watch it again, you can access the recordings in the coming months via Wrobocon YouTube channel (where you can also watch the presentations from Wrobocon 2022 conference).

If you want to join the Wrobocon community, you can go to https://wrobocon.eu webpage and join the Wrobocon community channel via Robot Framework slack. You can also subscribe to Wrobocon LinkedIn page to stay up to date or sign up to the newsletter for weekly Robot Framework related news.

We hope you enjoyed this update and found it useful. Please share it with your friends and colleagues who might be interested in Robot Framework and test automation. And don’t forget to mark your calendar for the next edition of Wrobocon in 2024!

Adam Hepner

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Mariusz Lewandowski

